Friday, November 30, 2007

"Doctors and Celebrities discern endorse Anatrim!"

One of my jobs at work is to clean out public email folders and scour them for outside inquiries or orders. Of course, the boxes are filled with tons of spam. To keep my job entertaining I always find a 'Spam of the Day' and share it with a few co-workers. Today's award goes to the spam titled "Doctors and Celebrities discern endorse Anatrim!" Really the content of the spam sucked and there were no half naked chicks showing off how Anatrim can help so I skimmed it. However, the signature of the spam is what made it spam of the day. It says:

Steve Burbon, Bellevue WA
demonic, colander

So, Steve of Bellevue, you are a demonic colander? Hmmm..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AHAHAHA too funny! I prefer the "drugs for Mega-Dik" sample box should be here shortly!