Thursday, January 17, 2008

Reboot or Die

For any of you that work in technology or heck have owned a computer or even worked in an office since the 90's are aware of 'techies'. My brother happens to be one and since I am in technology I am surrounded by them. I am reminded of the skit from SNL, "Nick Burns, Your Company's Computer Guy"."MMMMMMMMMOOOVVVVVVVEEEEEEEE!" I laugh on the inside every time I have a computer issue and I need assistance from our support guys because this is all I can think of. And how many times have you heard, "just reboot/restart your computer"? I am SO over that (although 9 times out of 10 it works). Your computer could be turning into Deceptacon from Transformers and if you were to call the help desk they would just tell you to go to the start menu and choose shut down/restart.

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