Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Phase 1.5

I have a pretty decent camera and on occasion have been put in charge of taking pictures. Honest, I don't mind. What pisses me off about the whole thing is having to upload the pictures to my laptop and subsequently emailing them out. Just today I was discussing with my mom how I had not sent her the pictures from Thanksgiving. Funny enough I also discussed with my friend Renee how I had some great pictures of us from her kick ass New Year's Eve party. I explained to her how I was on phase 1.5 of sharing the photos. Phase 1.5 being actually transferring the pictures from my camera to my laptop (phase 1 was taking my lazy ass to my car to get the camera out - it had been in there since New Year's). Phase 2 is uploading the pictures to Kodak Gallery and phase 3 is emailing them out to the appropriate parties (lets not forget phase 2.5 is gathering emails). I attempted to upload the New Year's pictures to my Kodak Gallery and after the 4th picture was uploaded the site/software decided to have an unknown error. WTF! I started this project of uploading at 6:30 and the 'unknown failure' happened at 6:52. Really, shouldn't it be alot easier and less time consuming to upload pictures to a website (and for you techies reading this it is not user error)? So after tonite I will be in phase 1.5 for a while. Sorry to those of you that are expecting pictures.