Tuesday, December 4, 2007

"I never eat December snowflakes. I always wait until January."

One thing I hate is as an adult I seem to over-analyze everything. While watching TV Guide last night I saw the entry showing Charlie Brown Christmas coming on at 8 and excitedly turned to my husband to let him know. It was a "special" entry on the TV Guide channel so it showed at the beginning of the channel listings and had snow all around the box that showcased "Charlie Brown Christmas" and the description. Myself, and I am sure any American that has watched holiday TV since 1965 does not need a description to tell you about Charlie Brown Christmas but here is how TV Guide described it, 'Charlie bemoans the commercialization of Christmas' and in a nutshell that is what the show is about. As a kid you never stop to think what a cartoon is about. If you were to ask me 25 years ago what does Charlie Brown Christmas mean I would probably be picking my nose and mutter one word, Snoopy. I loved Snoopy! Anyway, that's my point, as of yesterday at 8pm Charlie Brown Christmas has been ruined. After seeing the description I started laughing because it was ironic that Charlie was upset about the commercialization of Christmas. The simple fact that Charlie Brown Christmas appeared on the TV Guide as a featured show of the 8 o'clock slot, jazzed up with it's digital snow is hilarious. I wonder what Charlie Brown would think of that? WWCBD?

As I mentioned above, it was ruined from the beginning. I paid more attention to every word, action, and movement of every character. About half way thru the kids are standing outside and it starts snowing. Everyone was catching snowflakes on their tongue and Lucy was not participating and when asked why says 'I never eat December snowflakes. I always wait until January.' Does a little kid actually think that? No way! After thinking about it I felt the statement could obviously be taken many ways. Here are a few of my thoughts: Is Lucy a flat out bitch and hating on December for no reason? Or is she smart and know something we don't? Does the first snow in December have more acidity and it needs to cycle out making January snows much more tongue friendly? Does January snow have Vodka in it? Discuss.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Discussion #1: Yes, Lucy is a bitch, yet in your child's mind you would have only known her as an annoying child because Rachel you did not know the meaning of bitch until you were at least 5 years old (HA!). AND yes, Lucy is smart(er) than her peers (common sense aside)as I beleive she was one-up on global warming and acid rain even then in 1965 when coal use was a primary fuel. Also, Lucy is a FEM/DEM supporting H. Clinton in upcoming DEM primary.